Challenges for 2030 in maternal care, newborn and under 5 years old

The objective is to emphasize the importance on the subject of maternal morbidity and mortality, newborns, children under 5 years old, to meet the goal of transformation in the 2030 agenda towards sustainable development. One of the objective is health and well-being in order to guarantee universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, information and education, with the integration of cross-cutting public policies and legal norms that allow the attention of the health service for women (before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after), as well as newborns and before the age of five.
DOI 10.15406/ipcb.2021.07.00238h
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Editorial International Journal of Pregnancy & Child Birth
ISBN (impreso) N/A
ISBN (electrónico) N/A
Año de publicación impreso N/A
Año de publicación electrónico 2021

Autor 1

Nombre Mauricio
Apellidos Reyna Lara
Rol Autor